Thursday 21 February 2013

story spooks

there are days, weeks sometimes, that i feel consumed by an inexplicable urge to write... uncontrollable as well... as if some inner force is making me write prose - pages and pages of it - and the characters and situations just appear on my screen, as if magicked there...

i have no idea how it works, and i'm not going to figure it out either, but it's very strange... at the moment, for instance, i have to write this multi-chaptered story on a fanfiction site, read {and re-read} by fellow fans, commented on {occasionally} and apparently appreciated. as if i have no choice, and that's what it feels like: i have no choice... scenarios form in my brain, slipped in by story-demons, and when i reckon i can't go any further, in pops another plot-twist... at the moment i'm on 35.000 {!!} words...

there's another book trying to brew in my head, beginnings of story that will slowly form, and although i know it won't be read by as many people that read my fanfiction stories, i know it will happen again... i have no control over it... and that's fine with me...

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